Professional Development Books (By Women) That Would Make Great Last-Minute Gifts
Every year WIN rounds up our favorite books. This year, we’ve scoured the internet to find the best titles for business, professional development, leadership, and negotiation - all written by women. These twenty-six titles will leave you inspired and ready to take on 2022. Whether you’re looking for a last-minute gift for a loved one or are wanting to find something new for yourself, below you’ll find our top picks.
10 Books to Help Build Your Negotiation Skills While Social Distancing
We are faced with a challenging and uncertain time where many of us are juggling between job responsibilities and caring for loved ones. As we find our daily lives transformed, it is easy to shirk long-term goals to care for the sudden needs amidst the current crisis. Despite the ongoing situation, we should look for opportunities and focus on the positive. For those fortunate enough to spend the coming weeks social-distancing to avoid further spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), we’ve put together a list of books you can wisely incorporate into your free time to try and stay motivated and productive.
Holiday Book Guide: Negotiation Books (By Women!) to Inspire Your Upcoming Year
Why not take the time between Christmas and New Year’s to catch up on some reading, while polishing an essential skill? If you are looking for a last-minute gift or trying to embrace some personal and professional development over the break, WIN has curated a list of 11 notable books on negotiation (by women) that are sure to help you start off the year on an empowered foot.