Empowering Indigenous American Women on Equal Pay Day
In 1963, the Equal Pay Act was signed into law, making it illegal for employers to pay their workers lower wages solely because of their gender. Today, 57 years later, the wage gap still disproportionately affects women but it impacts some women even more than others. Indigenous American women face the second-largest wage gap, earning only 42% of what White men make. Indigenous groups have had their own set of unique challenges over the last 200 years that have led to ongoing social problems and implications for employment and economic attainment.
We sat down with Stephanie Poston (Pueblo of Sandia), who founded her own consulting communications firm, Poston & Associates LLC, 18 years ago. We wanted to learn more about her mission, how COVID-19 has impacted Indigenous communities, and what individuals and companies alike can do to mitigate the wage gap.
Creating a More Inclusive Culture: Ways to Eliminate Bias in Negotiations
While women are slowly climbing the corporate ladder, barriers still exist for many women in the workplace. There is still a shortage of women in leadership positions and for women of color, the numbers are even smaller. As many companies strive to create a more inclusive culture for women, core to this issue is the unconscious bias that occurs throughout the hiring (and promotion) process.
There’s a troubling pattern where women’s and minority’s competencies and experiences are consistently being overlooked. Efforts to diversify workforces has proven to be difficult.
We sat down with Cherise Bernard, the Campus Team Lead at Spotify, to uncover what other companies can do in order to help eliminate bias and create a more inclusive culture.
4 Black Women Share Their Insights to Negotiation and Better Pay
Throughout February we celebrate the achievements of black men and women in the United States. In honor of this annual observance, we celebrate the women whose courage and intellect have pushed our society forward. As the month comes to a close, we want to recognize the challenges that black women still face in the workplace - and the ways they can overcome those barriers.
Despite systematic issues of discrimination, black women are a rapidly emerging power full of untapped potential. Inspired by an exceptional group of black women, we asked for the negotiation advice they have for other women and how they can be better advocates for themselves.