How Latinas Can Fight for Equal Pay
Latina women are estimated to lose $1,163,920 over the course of a 40-year career. This means they will have to work until the age of 92 in order to earn what her white male peer earned by age 60.
We wanted to know more about the causes of this discrimination, and what Latina women can do to combat bias in the workplace. We invited 4 compelling female-founders to discuss the wage gap and how Latinas can fight for equal pay in the workplace and help narrow the wage gap. Because fifty-five cents just isn’t enough.
Empowering Indigenous American Women on Equal Pay Day
In 1963, the Equal Pay Act was signed into law, making it illegal for employers to pay their workers lower wages solely because of their gender. Today, 57 years later, the wage gap still disproportionately affects women but it impacts some women even more than others. Indigenous American women face the second-largest wage gap, earning only 42% of what White men make. Indigenous groups have had their own set of unique challenges over the last 200 years that have led to ongoing social problems and implications for employment and economic attainment.
We sat down with Stephanie Poston (Pueblo of Sandia), who founded her own consulting communications firm, Poston & Associates LLC, 18 years ago. We wanted to learn more about her mission, how COVID-19 has impacted Indigenous communities, and what individuals and companies alike can do to mitigate the wage gap.
Negotiating Your Next Salary Raise
Despite the fact that there are now more women than men with college and graduate school degrees today, women still face a gender pay gap. A few companies, like Microsoft, have responded to this challenge by becoming more transparent about their pay practices. But the reality remains that most companies are not ready to make drastic changes to their policies. Therefore, each of us has to take responsibility for narrowing our own pay gap.
Here are some tips for how to narrow your pay gap.
5 Indispensable Tips for Your Next Salary Negotiation
Negotiation is not easy, especially when it comes to pay. But coming prepared with your outlined goals, and having done your research, will put you in a stronger position and help you feel more confident. Here are five tips to arm you for your next salary negotiation.
6 Ways a Negotiation Coach Can Benefit You
One thing many of the top performing professionals, athletes, and business people have in common is a support system. Most know that in order to optimize their performance they need to recruit a professional, aka a coach, to help them overcome obstacles, serve as a sounding board, and guide them towards improvement.
Although a negotiation coach is similar to a business coach in both importance and guidance, the reasons why you would seek out one over the other are different. Outlined here are 6 top reasons you might need a negotiation coach and how their guidance can benefit your overall career and personal life.
Overcoming Racial Bias: 6 Powerful Black Women Weigh in on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day
This year, August 13th is recognized as Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. This day symbolizes how far into the year, Black women must work to earn the same as her White male counterpart in the previous year. The wage gap can be attributed to a number of factors, but bias is one significant hurdle. Black women are unique as they rest in the intersection of gender and racial discrimination. On average, Black women earn 62 cents for every dollar their white non-Hispanic male counterparts earn. If nothing changes, the pay gap won't close for more than 100 years for Black women and women of color.
We sat down with 6 powerful Black female leaders, from diverse backgrounds and industries to discuss corporate bias, to see if the Black Lives Matter movement had shifted perspectives in the workplace, and seek their advice to help rising young Black female professionals.
Answering: What Are Your Salary Expectations?
Since the introduction of pay history bans across the United States, recruiters have been looking for new ways to ask the old question, “What is your current compensation?” Although it is illegal in many states for employers to pay different wages to men and women for the same work, and even to ask the question about past salary benchmarks, there is still a significant pay gap between genders. Discover why this question is asked and the best ways for you to answer it.
4 Black Women Share Their Insights to Negotiation and Better Pay
Throughout February we celebrate the achievements of black men and women in the United States. In honor of this annual observance, we celebrate the women whose courage and intellect have pushed our society forward. As the month comes to a close, we want to recognize the challenges that black women still face in the workplace - and the ways they can overcome those barriers.
Despite systematic issues of discrimination, black women are a rapidly emerging power full of untapped potential. Inspired by an exceptional group of black women, we asked for the negotiation advice they have for other women and how they can be better advocates for themselves.
Mastering Your Next Salary Negotiation
Welcome to 2020, where women outnumber men in the job force and yet, are still earning less than men on the payroll. Part of this pay disparity is because women are less likely to negotiate their salary. Whether you are starting a new job and have an upcoming salary negotiation, or are angling for a raise at your current company, here are some tips from WIN Summit Coach and Speaker Bonnie Marcus, that you can use to master your next salary negotiation.
6 Practical Tips for Your Next Pay Negotiation
Photo Credit: Maria Kotyshova
The art of negotiation is a lifelong learning process. Arming yourself with techniques and strategies can give you leverage in any negotiation, especially when it comes to pay.
Here, we have compiled the top six practical tips to utilize the next time your salary is up for negotiation.
Mind the Gap: Negotiating Your Way Through 2019
This January, as you look through your potentially overwhelming list of resolutions, consider moving negotiation up to the top of them.