Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Silencing the “Friends” in Our Heads
We all walk around with our own set of limiting beliefs. Like your “mean girl” high school friends, who are exceptionally adept at projecting their own insecurities onto you, leaving you feeling lousy and dejected but unsure why.
These limiting beliefs are often sneaky — working on a subliminal level or just under the radar, masquerading as logic and rationale. They beg to be thrown in as justifications or excuses and are closely linked with fear of failure and rejection. We discuss how to identify and overcome these beliefs that continuously hold you back.
Women on the Front Lines — Sustaining Well-Being During This Time of Crisis
As we extend into week 12 of the COVID-19 pandemic and its flotsam and jetsam of social distancing and isolation, it is naturally becoming harder and harder to feel hopeful about the future.
The virus’ impact and wreckage can be seen and felt in a myriad of ways: from the horrific rising death tolls to the joblessness ravaging the country. We are feeling exhausted by the constant need for vigilance due to the invisible threat on surfaces and in the air, the added pressures of home-schooling, a never-ending loop of laundry, housecleaning, cooking, and the void of true face to face socialization.
Nine leading women share their tips on how we can best stay grounded and achieve well-being through this time of crisis.
Dealing with Emotions in Negotiation
You’re sitting at the negotiation table, utterly frustrated as a colleague, or perhaps your boss, stubbornly clings to her position. Downtown, a mother feels like pulling her hair out of her head trying to get her son to clean his room. Across town, a couple can’t agree on Thai or Italian. We negotiate almost every day since, after all, conflict’s a part of life. And most of the time, we’re not even aware we’re doing it.